A Tail and One Door

Dog's night out playing poker.

The game’s always on at Leftie’s

by Don Clasen

While not as dramatic as our Tale of Two Doors, this one marginally involves a dog. How marginal you might ask? Very. This customer of mine up in the Marquez Knolls hills had just gotten a rescue dog that loved to run away and socialize with her friends up the street. And although I found this amusing and entertaining, it was certainly exasperating for my customer!

My customer's dog Mawgley laughing at the world. A Tail and One Door

The Perp/Fugitive back in custody, and laughing at the world. Goes by the alias “Mawgley.” Sure.

All the same,  I was there because my customer had a problem with her front door too, and again the culprit was that brutal California sun. Just enough would hit the bottom of the door at the end of the day to cause some serious deterioration.

A "before" picture of a customer's front door with a finish badly eaten up by the sun. Palisades Painting Company. A Tail and One Door


She too did not want to spend a lot of money removing all the old stain and varnish and re-doing it so we came up with a plan. By carefully matching the color of the old stain, I was able to prep, stain and poly in a way that made it 100% better. Just take a look.

The "after" picture of a customer's front door finished by Palisades Painting Company. A Tail and One Door


The "after" picture of a customer's front door finished by Palisades Painting Company.

A Tail and One Door

As you can see the damaged area was blended in and the whole tone of the door greatly improved. And all very affordable.

As for Mawgley, I’m sure she appreciated the redecorating of her jail door, but I couldn’t ask her because she wasn’t around at the time.

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